Wednesday, November 13, 2013

24 Hours of 20

Today is my 20th birthday, but it's nearing midnight now and the rights to say "it's my birthday, so be nice," are coming to a close. Usually on a birthday, you don't really think too much about aging. Sure, jokes will be made about how old you're getting and in my case about how young I still am, but never do you think that you actually "feel older." Yet, here I am, feeling that extra year in my soul.

I don't know that I can explain it, but I guess I'm going to try.

My need to flee this college life grew exponentially today. I just want to run away and be an individual with nothing tying me down. I don't want to listen to gossip. I don't want everyone to know my name or what I want to do with my life or my favorite color or that I'm a little kid at heart. I want people to see that I am a strong, confident, intelligent, beautiful individual with a passion for people and so much love for the world and incredible faith in her God. At the end of the day, I think that's always what I will want to be remembered for, being the person I was created to be. I don't know if I can do that here and today made me realize that.

Granted, I could have come across this realization no matter what day it was, but I feel that it was significant that it happened today, when "I beat teenage pregnancy" (The only true you're 20 joke there is) and conquered the quest of life for my first two decades.

Maybe this is what being an adult is about.

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